Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I really never update this thing. Scooter (who is sometimes also known as "Ooogie" or "Jakeasaurus" is already 7 months old. He's literally a "scooter" now. Working on mobility every day. Sometimes it is a rolling-side-to-side-while-reaching-forward motion, and sometimes he actually gets his knees under him. Sometimes getting his knees under him results in him moving backwards. Hmmmm. The forwardly-mobile days are at hand, I think. I'm not sure the household is ready!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just starting out.

I am starting this simply because I was inspired by "Julie and Julia" and by a few blogs by moms and dads raising small children at this point. I have no idea if anyone will read it, or care about it... nor do I have any idea if I'll wind up committing enough to it. We shall see, but it seems nice to have an outlet for things I know, those I don't, and that which I figure out on my journeys as wife, mother, citizen, human. How will I integrate these new parts of me with what's left of the "old" me?

I have a son who is almost 11 weeks old. For the sake of the blog, let's call him Scooter. I also have a husband of nearly a year. Yes, we "wasted no time".... My very cool husband and baby and I also have three slightly crazy dogs (one distinctly crazier than the other two). Out of this nutty household, I am the only one awake tonight.

Here is what I have learned so far (those of you who are already parents will already know this, I'm sure): balancing being a partner to my husband, learning to be a mom to my infant son, and being back at work full time is really hard. REALLY.HARD. I had no idea what I was getting into.

However Bermuda Trianglesque it seems, though, it is also the most rewarding time of my life. Yeah, I know all parents say that. All parents mean it, I'm pretty sure. My kid does something new almost every day, and it is amazing to watch. It's the current reason I seldom wish to go to work -- I love my chosen profession, but I also don't want to miss out on anything with Scooter. Thankfully, for now I work night shift, so I mostly just miss him sleeping and waking to be fed once or twice.